miercuri, 29 aprilie 2015

Running in the other way...

A little bit too often that it should, when it comes to what feelings are worth, we tend at first to hesitate in transmitting them in their real shape to the persons we love. We let ourselves believe that those persons will be always there for us and that nothing will happen. Once, we have decided to let our fears to talk for us, it is hard not to give this example for the second or third time, and somehow, it seems that an important part for what are actually care about is going to slide to the habit of not finding out, even though they can see it in our eyes and feel in their hearts also.

So, what's the deal with this fear ? Since when we tend to compromise when it comes to what's important for us and be very straightforward with other aspects that don't present too much risk for us ? Since when, the fear of losing the good enough has beaten the potential of one of the best things that could ever be ?

When we are going to learn ? And most important, who are we lying ? Because ourselves, will never manage to do it, that's for sure... 

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